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Those people that think that i am arrogant and hypocritical. Ok i'm sorry for being such a jerk, sorry for being jealous of my friend. I shouldn't complain that my friends are supporting elaine and not me. I should accept it happily. Firstly i'm arrogant, then i'm being criticised for trying to be humble. What am i supposed to do? Please tell me. I won't talk about how you people accused me of wanting ALL the votes for myself. I'm just disappointed and upset with my friends. Since they think i see votes more importantly that friendships, so be it. I'll not get mad with anybody if they criticise and insult my friends again ok? I'll not show out my unhappiness towards people criticising my friends again. I only care about my votes. I'm just so sick and tired of all these. I just felt really heartbroken that why is it that the people around me don't even know how i feel towards certain things. I'm desperate to win? Hungry for votes? I never knew i wanted all these, and they just, assumed that i do. Winning is important to me huh? I'm taking it too seriously? Oh yes, i want all the votes. I want to win so much. I want everyone in the school to vote for me. I'm hypocritical. I love to fake that i am nice to people, i always help people reluctantly, actually i hate to do it. I also love to bad mouth my friends behind their back. I love to fake that i care but actually i don't. Friends, hahaha. They're just my toys, i love to suan them and make them feel miserable, and i'll be very happy after that. Ok i'm arrogant. i promise i won't be arrogant anymore. I'm hypocritical, i promise i will be truthful to everyone. I'm acting humble, ok i'll be myself and show what i really feel. I wanted ALL the votes for myself, ok i'll hope that alot of people won't vote for me next time. I like to suan people, ok i will never joke again. If you all really think that these makes me a better person, i'll gladly change. Zhenhui, i'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I was too harsh with my words. Good friends still :) 12:55 AM, 0 comments ![]() YAY! I'm able to stay in Tinybox, in fei hui lao shi's class. He's not going to kick me out or demote me! I'm really very happy. Kat said i should go for it, but i'm seriously confused. Lots of factors affecting my decision, of course i wished for it too, but sometimes things are just not within my control. Others may think it's within my control, but it's actually not. It's not that simple. Moreover i don't think i have what it takes yet. And then i really have to thank Kat, if not for her encouragement and tips, i won't be feeling so happy today. Alright, for people that don't understand, well, don't bother. Next Wednesday is the talent showcase! I'm still pretty nervous about it. Gotta sing in front of the whole school! And then the song that i'll be singing is either pu tong peng you or hen xiang ni. I wanted hen xiang ni, but then the teacher said if i sing pu tong peng you, i'll stand a higher chance of winning. Coz it is tough and it showcases my vocal skills. And friends, vote for me in MLG ok?! If i win the prize money i'll treat you guys :D 10:48 PM, 0 comments ![]()
Petition Against: Mr Lee Hak Boon 1. Definitions 1.1 Within this document, Mr Lee Hak Boon shall be known as ‘the Principal’ or ‘Mr Lee’ unless otherwise stated. 1.2 Catholic High School (Secondary) shall be known as ‘School’ within this document. 1.3 The term ‘We’, and ‘Us’ is a collective term to represent the students, parents of the students, the School Alumni, and teachers of the School. 1.4 “Students” would refer to Students of Catholic High School. 1.5 “Student Leaders” or “SL(s)” means the Student Leaders Board members comprising of Student Councillors, Prefects, and the Class Management Committee. 1.6 “Prefects” would be students appointed by the school who carry school badges with a black strip with the word “Prefect”, and wear the school tie in school at all times when in full school uniform. Their task is to deal with discipline problems in the school by being part of a collective force to apprehend students in breach of them. They are part of the Prefectorial Board, which is part of the Student Leaders Board. 1.7 ‘Student Councillors’ refer to students appointed by the school to deal with affairs including, but not limited to, preparation of school activities and events, coordination of school programmes. 1.8 “Class Management Committee” refers to students who are or were Class Chairmen or Assistant Class Chairmen of their respective classes in school. 1.9 “Class Chairman” and “Assistant Class Chairman” refer to the Class Monitor and Vice-Monitor respectively. 2. State of Request 2.1. We ask that Mr Lee resign with immediate effect. 2.1.1. This is to take place and the Vice-Principal of the Primary School shall take over, either temporarily or permanently. 2.2. We request that Mr Lee to take no further part of School Activities 2.2.1. This includes, but is not limited to: Preparation of events: Children’s Day Teacher’s Day Youth Day Racial Harmony Day Chinese New Year Catholic High Sports Night Catholic High Annual Cross-Country 2.3. We ask that he present a formal apology to us on basis explained in: (Point 3) 2.4. The use of funds in the upgrading of the school library. 2.4.1. The buying of new books and learning resources 2.4.2. The buying of new storybooks and texts 2.5. The use of funds to get better teaching resources. 2.5.1. Relevant studies and books on subject matter 2.6. The keeping of teachers as follows, unless by choice, the tendering of resignation: 2.6.1. Mrs Alice Long 2.6.2. Mrs Melissa Neo 2.6.3. Mrs Chung Lee Siang 2.6.4. Mrs Anna Tan 2.6.5. Mr Jeffrey Goh 2.6.6. Ms Thian Wan Eng 2.6.7. Ms Leong Se Yean 2.6.8. Mr Yong Kwang Hei 2.6.9. Mr Goh Yong Han This list is not exhaustive. 3. Reasons of Request 3.1. Mr Lee has requested the building of ponds and with due thanks to donations has made them possible. This has been detrimental to the school in the following ways: 3.1.1. These ponds are: Pond at Car Porch in the Secondary School. Pond outside Science Laboratories Pond in the Primary School Premises. 3.1.2. Request for such funds to build ponds was unnecessary. This has diverted funds which could be used in better ways (Point 4). 3.1.3. High maintenance and electrical bill 3.1.4. Poor maintenance of the ponds. 3.1.5. No immediate and tangible benefits of the pond 3.2. Mr Lee has bought statues and stones or requested the donation of these them. They have had no benefit and had been detrimental. 3.2.1. The statues in question: Statue of Eagle at Car Porch of Secondary School. Various stones along sloping path upwards from Secondary School Car Porch to General Office. Statue of ‘Fire’ at Plaza and the bronze statues at the Secondary School General Office car porch running to it. 2 Statues of Lions at mini-river outside rooms of NPCC, St John’s Ambulance Brigade and NCC (Air) Statue of hands outside of the Primary School General Office 3.2.2. Monies used to buy and maintain these statues could be diverted to other funds. 3.2.3. They have no tangible benefit for the students. 3.3. Mr Lee has scolded teachers for the high electricity bill. 3.3.1. To quote a teacher who has spoken on condition of anonymity, “That time, he complained to us that the electricity bill was high because we were staying in school and marking worksheets past 6 pm.” 3.3.2. This shows contempt for the teachers as the a school, as, to quote several Dictionaries, Oxford Dictionary of English: “an institution for educating children.” Longman Dictionary of Contemporary: “a place where children are taught” Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “an institution for the teaching of children” 3.3.3. He has placed the fundamental reason for a school, a place for students to learn, below that of monetary assets. This clearly shows what he valuates. He puts the cost of electricity above student welfare. 3.3.4. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, after physiological needs, Safety needs need to be met, and under one of them, called the ‘Security of Employment’, is where education lies. A good education is essential to have a good, well paying job in future. Having a good job, especially one where students in future will have would mean that they would have ‘Security of Employment’. Having teachers who are unable to do their job to the best of their ability not only threatens to tarnish their ‘Security of Employment’, also threatens students’ own ‘Security of Employment’. This is of equal importance of ‘Security of revenues and resources’, however because this money comes from the government, and with coffers amounting to millions, what we see is that Mr Lee is placing an insignificant portion of money over the needs of students. 3.4. He is of unreasonable character 3.4.1. He demands a utopia of having zero latecomers. This is very, very hard to fulfill, considering this idea of Chaos Theory, where there is always an unforeseen circumstance which can disrupt daily life, thanks to a chain of events, of which a student would not be involved in, until he gets affected negatively by being late. He draws a comparison of being late for school to going to Changi Airport to take a plane to London at 5 am. He tells the students that they would not be late for the plane to London, but would be late school. This comparison is ridiculous considering the circumstance surrounding each event. To go to school is almost a daily affair, and monotonous and is further worsened by the fact that the students lack the motivation to go to school due to what they perceive as poor leadership. If any student were to London, even at any absurd time, they would be on time, there would be a sense of excitement and anxiousness. This is especially so because a plane ticket is high in cost, especially that of a ticket to Western Europe. He caused the breaking down of a teacher in public, where when he scolded the students of Class 3-9 of 2006 for being late. Mrs Alice Long, as form teacher, defended them, and Mr Lee then blamed Mrs Long for being irresponsible and letting her students to be late. The students then told Mr Lee that it was not the fault of Mrs Long, and that they were fully to blame. He then scolded both Mrs Long, who was totally innocent, and the late students. This trauma of being scolded on absolutely no basis has made her break down. Mrs Alice Long’s record as a teacher has been excellent, and has been constantly producing As in the ‘O’ Levels, and is very well respected by the students. 3.4.2. He has threatened to expel students due to a lack of punctuality. This occurred on 14th July, 2006, during morning assembly in the Plaza. Mr Lee threatened to expel students who were late for assembly. This is unprecedented, and has no historical precedence. This is also not a rule in schools all around Singapore, and in other parts of the first world. This harsh reality brought forward is unforgiving, where for a minute offence, a student may be expelled. This message is negative and is of resemblance to a totalitarian state. 3.5. Intentional demoralisation of the students. 3.5.1. As an educator, he knows that making harsh comments at students would result in a demoralization, which would lead to underperformance. During the collection of the ‘O’ Level Results of 2005, to those whom came late, he called them ‘insolent brats’. This is a direct attack on a person’s morals. As an educator, he should not have done so. During talks with the Secondary 4s of 2006, he ridiculed and insulted them for doing poorly in the ‘O’ Levels. He lashed out at many people which the Secondary 4s of 2006 respected, their direct seniors, of whom they have very good relationships with. He has called latecomers to school ‘useless’ and ‘stupid’. These words, coming from someone whom they should respect are harsh, critical, and unforgiving. It creates a negative sentiment among the students and can affect results. This is not helpful to the school environment. 3.6. Collection of monies without proper accountability 3.6.1. He gives red packets to students during Chinese New Year, demanding that students donate money to the school. If one were to not pay up, they were to face disciplinary action. 3.6.2. The money has never been accounted for by Mr Lee, and the claim of the use of this money is the building of the school and for the funds for CCAs. 3.6.3. Money has never reached the coffers of certain CCAs which have not been performing well. Money has been unfairly distributed where CCAs with better track records get more money. This creates a rich-poor divide between the good and the weak CCAs. Poorer CCAs, with less funds, are unable to purchase better resources and exploit the full potential of the students. This is very detrimental to the students, as they would be unable to: Maximise their full potential Earn CCA Points Get exposure 2 students, during the Chinese New Year of 2005, did not adhere to the school’s demands, and were brought out for disciplinary action because they did not donate to the school To donate is an act of charity, stemmed from the Latin word, charitas. Charitas essentially means ‘to give’, and when a person gives, without any connotations, it can be said that he or she would give on his or her own free will. This is an act of extortion, and is illegal under the Penal Code (Chapter 224), Chapter XVII, 383. This form of injury is in the form of disciplinary action, which can result in caning, or worse. 3.7. Lack of standardisation and discipline 3.7.1. During the course of the 4 years Mr Lee has been here, punishment for offences has been wide-ranging and varying. Penalty for the smuggling food out of canteen: There has never been a standard punishment for those caught smuggling food outside of the canteen during recess. Prefects on duty have shown lack of focus on the job. They allow people blatantly eating food out of the canteen, and only request them to go back to the canteen. When they do not do so, they do not take any action. There is no check in the Student Lounge to disallow the smuggling of food to class. This is unlike the policy of the prohibition of the removal of food from the canteen during recess. Both areas are places which students go to during recess for meals or food. It is a double-standard, where one has a check-and-balance, albeit weak, while the other does not altogether. Ankle socks are prohibited without reason in the school, yet the school is lax in the apprehension of students who do not follow this rule. Student leaders have pressed for the lifting on the prohibition of ankle-length socks, however, there is no official reason as to the ban of it. Students caught have multiple punishments, without a standard process of defining what punishment for when. The consumption of food is banned in classrooms This rule is not enforced within the school, and is, like the previous 2 rules, ( and, tokenistic in nature. The Class Chairman does not take action when this rule is broken. Student leaders are also sometimes guilty of breaking this rule. The students are not allowed to change into the School Uniform or PE Attire in the classrooms. This rule is tokenistic in nature, as there are students who change within the classroom. Even against the urges of the Student Leaders, this continues. 3.7.2. Latecomers to school have never had a proper punishment. For one, they had to sleep on the sick bay bed for a certain period of time, before they were let off to class. That was scrapped and students were forced to walk around the school with a sign, and using a loudhailer, saying, “Let me not be the one who is late”. It was then changed to have students being forced to stand in front of the school in morning assembly in the next day. This lack of proper punishment systems does not help the school. 3.7.3. The moderation of the Preliminary results of the Secondary 4 batch of 2005. Mr Lee demanded the moderation of the Prelim papers to such an extent that the Prelims were a farce. A student with 15 points in the Prelims was allowed to enter Hwa Chong Junior College. He refused to listen to the opinions of the other teachers and accused them of having ‘no team spirit’, and inducing ‘negative sentiment’. 3.7.4. The safety hazards within the school As Principal, his primary concern should be the welfare of the students, and this has not been the case. He has allowed the following: Inadequacy of fire extinguishers Available fire extinguishers are empty Usage of hose reel area for storage Lack of medical equipment in first-aid kits
1:04 AM,Sincerely, Ho Wee Seng, Class 3-6, 2006. And, The undersigned. 1 comments ![]() JAY CHOU ![]() ![]() ![]() 0 comments ![]()
Take a break guys! (1) DON'T LOOK AT NAKED LADY Boy 1: Why do you run from a naked lady? Boy 2: Becos my mum said that if I look at a naked lady, I'll turn into stone. A part of me is getting hard already! (2) NAMES OF WIVES A Malay man had 4 wives, and he called his... 4th wife..... Baby doll 3rd wife..... China doll 2nd wife.....Barbie doll 1st wife..... Panadol ! (3) HOW INDIA GOT ITS NAME This is how India got its name..... The king was having sex with his mistress while thinking a name of his country and his mistress ask him "is it In Dear?"... (4) RESEARCH FINDING Research shows men are fatter than women because every-night Men get fresh milk & 2 big papayas while women only get 1 banana, 2 Peanuts & 1 tea-spoon of starch! (5) ARAB MAN An Arab was being interviewed at a US checkpoint. 'Your name pls.'? "Abdul Aziz " "Sex? " "Six times a week!! " "No, no, I mean male or female! " "Doesn't matters, sometimes even camel !" (6) SERVICE Sex is like a restaurant. Sometimes you get full satisfactory service, and sometimes you have to be satisfied with self-service" (7) HAPPY MAN What makes a happy man? Daughter on the cover of cosmo. Son on the cover of sports illustrated. Mistress on the cover of playboy and .. Wife on the cover of "missing persons" (8) SWIMSUIT Why was the 2-piece swimsuit invented? To separate the HAIRY section from the DAIRY section. (9) GOOD AMBITION Teacher: What do you want to become? Little Johnny: Doctor !! Teacher: Why? Little Johnny: Coz its the only profession where u can tell a woman to take off her clothes and ask her husband to pay for it. (10) DENTIST Woman complaining to dentist: "It's so painful, I'll rather have a baby than have a tooth removed." Dentist: "Make up your mind soon, I'll adjust the chair accordingly." (11) VIRGIN Old lady, 85, a virgin, about to die. Wanted her tombstone to read : BORN A VIRGIN, LIVED A VIRGIN, DIED A VIRGIN. The engraver shortened it to: " RETURNED UNOPENED " (12) OLD MAN AND YOUNG GIRL 75 yr old man got married to a 15 yr girl. On their first night both were crying - why??? Coz she didn't know anything, and he had forgotten everything.
11:08 PM,0 comments ![]() Friday was such a fun day! Firstly had my favourite econs lecture :D Then after that went to gym with bohui and lianjie. Nelson refused to join us! It's ok lah, can't blame him, his muscles too big already, he don't wanna make it worse. When we were at the gym then suddenly Kamielah and Sabrina came in and disrrupted our training. They were filming somthing lah, no idea what it was also. After that went to jam with Dexter and Janice's band at the CCA room! so fun man! At first i wanted to play the keyboard, but I can't coz the keyboard was like so freaking dumb, it couldn't start at all. So i had to play the drum and i looked like a total retard lah! Coz my drumming skill is so lousy! In the end became Dexter playing the drums and i was like rapping nonsense. Hohoho! I rapped the little red riding hood, the 3 little pigs and cinderalla. So funny man! Laugh till we almost died. Then got people gather outside and listened to us! So pai seh man! I thought they cannot hear lah! Then actually wanted to wait for Sharon's band to start jaming then i join them. But then i went to the field to see norain play hockey, until i was too engrossed and forgot about sharon. I'm sorry sharon! Hockey is so fun and addictive :D I'll go next time i promise! And then today got scolded by fei hui lao shi, i don't think i will get expelled from the school, but there is quite a high chance that i will get demoted to fang fang lao shi's class. Ahhhhhh! But teacher, i can't host well and can't speak well that's why i am under your training! You should train me! What for i go back to fang fang lao shi when i already master the singing course? Don't throw me away teacher! Bu yao fang qi wo! And after that had family gathering at hougang. I thought i was a pure chinese until today. I got such a shock lah! I've actually got blood of chinese, indian, malay, caucasian and some japalang races. I actually got cousins of different races. So freaking cool man! I never knew that i was such a hardcore mix. I bet all my friends won't believe it too! Hohoho! Just fell down and kena a big scratch on my arm. It's still bleeding even after like few hours. I think tomorrow i may not go down to support all the teenage icon finalists. I'll see how lah! Don't like them lah! All sing so well, make me feel so inferior. Oh yar i got pulled into the school's pop contest. The number of contestants is like really quite little, i think most likely i will get into the finals. Everyone please vote for me ok! Let me win something in votes for once please! The only time i've won in votes was during sec 3, during the student leader exco election. Never won votings for a singing competition before! Always die in semi-finals one! Same goes for Talent Quest and Teenage Icon! Ahhh!! Vote for me! If i win the money i will donate to charity. No lah, i will treat some people if i can afford. And yar, hockey is fun :D 12:35 AM, 0 comments ![]() Peixin Primary School! Recently went out with my ex classmates from Peixin Primary. It's like everybody became hotter, especially me. Looking back when we were still wearing the pink and maroon uniform. ![]()
I totally can't bear to see saramany leaving like that! The next time we get to see her will probably be like 4 years time. But even time and distance will not come between our friendship. 11 years and still counting, class 6-1 shall exist till the day we all tio AIDS or cancer or kena accident, the day we drop dead that is. Should i go for OBS?! I'm not really doing well for my studies, and I will need the one week break very much to do a lot of catching up for the mid course promos. Somebody tell me if i should go! By the way, thanks Sharon, for giving me the opportunity :D and Janice, for creating it! hohoho!! 8:03 PM,0 comments ![]() JB, here's your photo. Wah so gay. ![]() The following is a series of activities carried out by the new interest group in Innova Junior College, the No Life Club (NLC) .This interest group is set up by a group of nothing-better-else-to-do morons. We'll let the pictures do the talking. Firstly we have activities like taking photos with strangers. This is simple, basically we will just target a group of people or even a person, then we will ambush them when they're off guard. The following are examples of what we have done. ![]()
Some other photos of the No Life Club. Other than attacking people, we also take stupid random photos.
Jump shots.
Other than photo taking, we also have games like concentration and relay races. Our races are not the typical ones that you see on sports day, coz those are nothing new. So how do we race? 1) Rolling on the floor relay. Combination of forward roll, cartwheel and side rolls. And yes we race on the tracks as well. 2) Backwards race. As the name suggests, we race backwards. 3) Coordination race. This is the toughest race coz it will require you to run with your left arm and leg moving in the same direction at the same time, same goes for right arm and leg. This will require a lot of concentration. Yea that's about it. If you're interested to join our No Life Club, feel free to contact any of our members. We can come together and think of more no life activities! Other than thinking of more stupid games, we also hope that we can include our no life races into the inter house competition. We hope to have more support from Innovians to continue our spastic tradition. We await for your responses!
This week has been pretty unexpected for me. Filled with lots of surprises. I had my first conversation with her and also got her number! This is a dream too good to be true, never really thought that one day i'll get to talk to her. Just felt so happy. On friday night, mitch, nelson, agnes, weixing, lianjie, mingjie and i went to esplanade to watch the fireworks. Was such a rush, but still we managed to catch it. Was splendid. And after that we caught Shufen and Eddie together. They went to pat tor :D Stop trying to hide lah! We know already!! Then accompanied weixing to go home. Not gay. But i just felt that i could chat with him about lots of things, so i kind of enjoy his presence too. If you guys think that weixing and i will be enemies then you're wrong. There's no hard feelings. Fair fight and the best guy wins, anyway we're not the only contestants. Oh and i'm glad that God has been taking care of me. I guess i would have been easily dead this week, especially Friday. First i got smacked in my throat by yanni's rugby ball, couldn't felt my adam's apple after that. And was feeling really uncomfortable and giddy for a while after the hit. Then i got hit by a hockey ball in my arm and then my face, finally my bum. Yes hockey ball ain't soft at all. After that i got beat up by yanni and diana. Diana's real strong. She thought i've insulted yiwen deliberately, so she sort of taught me a lesson. Just my luck i guess. What happend was this. Weixing wanted to ask Yiwen if she wants to join us to watch the fireworks together. Then he asked "are you free tonight?" Yiwen replied with "why? go your house tonight? ok." so i added a stupid line that could have cost my life "wah! you're prostitute ah!" Then later on Yiwen told this kelvin guy that i called her a prostitute as an example to console that guy as he was feeling very bad after hurting another guy. I almost died without knowing why. Forget about that. Music school is real stressed. I think most likely I won't be able to deal with the stress and quit after this course. Oh yes! Saramany is coming back to Singapore tomorrow! I miss this woman so much! After she's migrated to Califonia, i've never got to see her for so long. She's coming to see us! I'm so excited when i heard she's coming! She's become so gorgeous. I'm so gonna take lots of photos with her! 7:52 PM,0 comments ![]() Happiness! Yay! Today is such a wonderful day. Sang zao sia for national day! WE REMAIN UNDIVIDED~~~~~~~, OUR HEARTS IN HARM#*(!&%*#^!ONY~~~~~~~~ But then it's ok, luckily it's not a competition. I've learned a lesson, do not attempt high notes without warming up. No matter how many times you have hit it before, you still need to warm up. One good thing is that I learned this lesson through a school's performance and not during a competition. If it's during a competition, then it'll be a price to high to pay. That's the good thing. Bad thing is, THE WHOLE SCHOOL HEARD ME ZAO SIA. HOHOHO!! HOW EXCITING. And thanks bohui, your comments spiced up my life. After the national day celebration, something i've never thought would happen happened. Ultimate happiness:) It's been half a year and I have never imagined this would ever happen. It just happened. I've never believed that a moment like this will be reality. Felt the happiness throughout the day, it seems like the embarassment did not bother me anymore. Thanks 26C for having PW consultation, if not then i would have left and missed that moment. Went to Jack's place after that, even their black coffee was sweet. Random fact: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "ABC" & "Ba Ba Black Sheeps" have exactly the same melody. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! Dressing up as some students from other schools at Mos Burger after the national day celebration in school. 5:55 PM,0 comments ![]() Went to watch Ngee Ann Idol on friday to support Matthew and Charlene, friends from Teenage Icon. Np Idol was pretty nice lah, the singers are not too bad. But i'm still quite upset that Charlene didn't win! In my opinion, the winner didn't sound as good as her. Money and prize gone just like that! Wasted! Never mind! Charlene, go join Project Superstar 2 ok?! i will go support and scream for you! And yar, Novabelle never told me that Clara became Matthew's girlfriend lah, all the while i still thought Clara's still with that Adriano. And then after the NP Idol, Afiq, Cassandra, Charlene, her friend and i went to mac for supper. Then ended up having to take cab home, WITH THE MIDNIGHT CHARGE. So shared cab with cass and fiq. The two of them are such kukus! Always bastard me. Ok never mind. Then Saturday had my exam at Tinybox. This is hell lah. Fei Hui lao shi said we all failed the exam. I'm still so sad. It's so hard lah! The exam was seperated into 2 sections, first part is to record MTV QIAO SAN SIA (MTV knock 3 times). As the VJ. Had to introduce 3 MVs. Second section was an interview. First section. We had time to prepare the 3 MVs, but then i screwed it up! craps! Lao shi said my front part was ok, just that i tend to sway a bit too much in front of the camera. And then my ending was not good. Of course lah! With the lights on your face and the camera rolling and fei hui lao shi and other seniors and classmates sitting there watching you, of course will feel nervous! then when get nervous of course won't do that well lah. Second section. Cunning lao shi set traps for us to fall in. Gave us the tong gao (notice) with the interview questions that he will be asking us, about 1 minute before the recording. Then he said "read the questions carefully, i will ask you questions revolving these topics" then cheat us to concentrate too much on the questions, then didn't pay attention to the show's title and name of host!! In the end during recording, the host purposely cheat us to say out the show's title and his name, then we all didn't know!! all kena reprimanded for that. That's a silly mistake he said. My questions were like tell one sheng huo xiao pian fang (useful tips that can use in everyday life), tell a joke, talk about an artist that i admire most, an unforgettable experience and what is happiness? Where got so much time to think lah! Then still must focus on this and that. Remember the name of show, remember to greet host and audience and all. Must remember to do self intro and intro my album. WAH! xavier forgot to intro his name, then kena also. haha! still must remember to look good on camera, our face all stiff already lah! After the exam, lao shi told us our mistakes and then told us that we might be kicked out of the school coz we fan da ji (committed grave mistakes) Whether we can still remain in the school depends on the board of directors. AHHHH!! so stressful! kick me out lah! i don't mind!! i want to sing i don't want to do talking!! kick us out then we can't be singers already, sobs. but i think most likely he won't kick us out, coz we're still so young. and i'm the youngest in artist development leh!! LAO SHI!! SIGN ME!! Actually i think most likely he won't kick us out lah. If he wants to kick us out then he won't ask us to join project superstar 2 already. Oh yar he told us that this time round there will be 4 rounds of auditions, one more than last year. and then the judges are still the same as the previous season! He also said he's the judge from the 3rd round of audition onwards. so we have to depend on ourselves if we wanna get till the 3rd round. And he also mentioned that this year's project superstar will be much bigger and grander than the previous season's. coz singapore idol and superband's response are pretty bad, so this one they wanna make it with a loud bang. haha! just on advertisements they will take up to 1 month. So i'm quite looking forward to this competition. Take it as a chance to gain experience even though i know i'm not in the best condition to sing and perform. and then i know i've said it, and i will say again, CHARLENE!! JOIN PROJECT SUPERSTAR LAH!! i miss the vocal lesson so much! haven't sang for so long already since i've entered the artist development course. ahhhhhhhhhhhh! i want to sing!! this artist development course is like totally no chance to sing lah! whole day host and perform talents and do interviews. oh man!! i want to sing!! grrrrrrrrrr.. After that i went to Ocean Butterfly (hai die ying yue) with William. Their atmosphere is like much better than Tinybox. They got really nice environment, really cool equipments, lots of them somemore. Nice and clean and beautiful place. They got really classy and comfy cafes, our side is what, gay pub and pole dancers. They're also much more established than Tinybox. Yes, i'm going to join Ocean Butterfly!! Then after that i went to meet up with charlene for dinner. actually wanted to go for movie, wanna watch lakehouse, but then the tickets were like selling out so fast, in the end didn't had a chance to watch. only eat and then walk around and chatted. haha! that reminds me, CHARLENE YOU STUPID WOMAN! sing so well but then so silly. we bought 2 sandwiches from subway, hers toasted and mine is not, then both were wrapped up, so when we were about to eat, i was like pretending to smell the 2 sandwiches and then i passed one to her, telling her that i confirm that one is hers. then she was like saying "CAN SMELL ONE MEH?!" and then she really went to smell both and she said only can smell the paper. WAHAHAHA!! One is heated and one is not, use touch already can know which is which. STUPID WOMAN!! then after that charlene thought she forgot the keys and then whine and whine and whine. in the end it's in her bag. DUMB! wahaha! so funny lah you! national day must come and crash innova then watch hanafie cheryl and me sing ok!? and make sure you go join project superstar!! After that went home and then saw an article in the newspaper! SHAOWEN and APPLE!! Congrats leh!! this taiwan singer called Gao Ling Feng saw the two of them singing and then a recording company is keen to cut an album for them. OMG!! congrats congrats! I'll definitely go and buy the album when it's out. And then went online and chatted with cheryl lee. HOHOHO!! she's nice and funny. ok that's it, shall say no more. 4:58 PM, 0 comments ![]() |
Web Counter about Music!Name: RenJie DOB: 27 Feb 1989 School: PXPS, CHS, MI, IJC, Focus Location: Yishun About Me: Music! archives March 2006 links
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